Thursday, June 22, 2006

technology is crazy...

Lindsay and I were at PayLess (a local grocery store owned by Kroger) so that we could buy roses for some high school students from our church who were performing in a production of Wizard of that was a long sentence. We decided to go to the DIY check-out lane where you scan everything yourself. Lindsay scanned her Crunch bar then we wondered how to ring up the roses without barcodes. The directions were to simply place the items on the scanner and to "wait". So, Lindsay put the two roses and plastic wrap surrounding them onto the scanner. About 15-20 seconds later, the system rang it up as two freaking roses!!! I couldn't believe it. Our technology these days is crazy. It's amazing that a scanner at a grocery store can accurately identify two roses simply by their weight. You figure that each rose must weigh a slightly different amount, and the amount of plastic wrap adds in another uncertainty in mass. Yet the machine was able to figure it out regardless. I couldn't believe it!

If only mass spectrometers could determine masses with such certainty ( :


At 10:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

THat story made me laugh. Thank you Mike.


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